Monday, August 7, 2017

तरबूज़ के छिलके की सब्ज़ी - Watermelon Rind

We talk about sustainable crops, fiber in the diet and food wastage in the Western hemisphere while people are starving in certain parts of the world. Though my Mom used to cook it, and I had eaten it in my childhood days, lately I had forgotten about it.  This dish is prepared using the normally discarded Watermelon rinds. If we peel the outer green skin away then we can use the white/pink outside flesh which is not so sweet and it can be used as a vegetable. The recipe here is a mish-mash of sorts and I have used a typical Bengali tempering using Panchphoren (5 seeds - mustard, fenugreek, cumin, fennel, wild onion)

In a pot, take oil, temper with Panchphoren and wait till the seeds blossom, add the whole dry red peppers and then the cut rind. Saute for a minute, cover and cook on slow heat for 5 minutes. Add turmeric, salt and cook till tender. Best served with Paranthas - whole wheat, layered, fried bread.

Enjoy and feel satisfied that you have contributed to a GREEN effort and
reduced your carbon footprint 😀😀

1 comment:

Unknown said...

U r bright light in the darkness of culinary ignorance